المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ماهو الفرق بين استخدام Have and have got ,?

01-02-2021, 07:12 PM
#Grammar قواعد اللغة الانجليزية 📚
ماهو الفرق بين استخدام Have and have got ؟ 🤔

▪️We often use have got rather than Have alone. Have got and have mean the same. Have got is more informal.
نحن عادة نستخدم Have got بدلا عن Have منفرده. مع العلم بان الاستخدامين لهم نفس المعنى. ولكن استخدام Have got الاكثر شيوعا والمتعارف بين الناس في الحوارات العامه الغير رسمية.
🗣 So you can say:

🚘 We've got a new car. ✅
🚘 We have a new car. ✅
والجملة تعني نحن نملك سيارة جديده او لدينا سيارة جديدة
👨‍❤️‍👨 How many brothers have you got? (more informal)
👨‍❤️‍👨 How many brothers do you have? (more formal)
تعني الجملتين كم هو عدد أخوانك؟ او كم لديك من أخوان؟

1️⃣ We use have (got) to talk about possession, relationships, characteristics and illnesses.

🗨We use have got or have for illnesses, pains etc.:
نستخدم Have got مع التعبير عن الامراض ..
She has got a headache. 🤕
She’s got a headache. 🤕
She has a headache. (formal)
تعني الجمل بالأعلى ان لديها صداع .. عندها صداع.

🗨 or the past we use had (usually without 'got'):
نستخدم ماضي Have وهو Had وبدون اضافة got للتعبير عن اشياء تمتلكها في الماضي.

When I was a child I had a dog. 🐶

Did he have a watch last year?⌚️
No, He didn't have a watch. ⌚️

🗨Have (but not have got) is also used for many actions and experiences.
نستخدم Have منفرده بدون اضافة got بعدها في كثير من التعابير الشائعه الموضحه بالاسفل
Have a breakfast
Have a dinner
Have a cup of coffee
Have a bath
Have a shower
Have a rest
Have a party
Have a holiday
Have a nice time
Have an accident
Have an experience
Have a dream
Have a look (at something)
Have a chat (with somebody)
Have a baby
Have fun
Have trouble

🇬🇧 In British English have got is used quite often.
فيه بريطانيا (المملكة المتحدة) يتم استخدام have got بشكل شائع.
I have got a brother.
I've got a brother.
I don't have a brother.

He has got a cat.
He's got a cat.
He doesn't have a cat.

We have got books.
We've got books.
We don't have books.

She has got a dog.
She's got a dog.
She doesn't have a dog.

Have you got a yellow car?
Do you have a yellow car?

Have I got time?
Do I have time?

Has he got a computer?
Does he have a computer?

🇺🇸 In American English have is dropped in informal speech like in the following example.
فيه امريكا يتم حذف have من have got لتصبح got فقط وذلك في الكلام العام الغير رسمي
We've got a problem. → We got a problem.

ان شاء الله الدرس كان مفيد لكم ،، وشكرا عالمتابعه واهلا وسهلا بالمنضميين الجدد 🌹